Monday, December 31, 2007

Family Relation in Korea

A family relation in Korea is and has been rapidly changing in 50 years. After the Korean War and democracy movements in Korea, Confucianism and way of men-oriented thinking man-oriented has been changed.
In the past, Confucianism was prevalent in all over the nation. Father was on the highest priority in the whole family. Most of everything was likely father-oriented or men-oriented. For example, there was different dinner table for men and women. Men can eat first even though they are little child. Also, there was a notion that women do chores and men should go out for their work. Moreover, nobody can even think about divorce. If someone divorces, people always blame on ladies and start to have a bias thought. Lastly, in the past, many houses were in big family. For radical example, some house had grand-grand parents and grand-grand kids. At least, number of six in the family was typical.
However, in these days, things have been changed a lot. First, Confucianism and motion of men-oriented is breaking down rapidly. There are no more men and women separated dinner tables. Also, son-preference is no more existing. On the contrary, daughter-preference is getting wide spread. Not only men work for family, but also do ladies. There is the word “working-Mom.” It stands for mothers who work while they do the chores at the same time. Even though, men-oriented thinking is melting down among many families, still fathers have power such as making important decisions. About divorce, people became a lot generous. They blame on nobody and just understand their circumstances. At last, the size of family is getting smaller and smaller. Usually, number of three or four is normal size for today’s family relation in Korea.

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